Bhakti is a selfless seva (service) that can only arise from the foundation of love. It is love that has the transformative power to turn seva into Bhakti. Selfless service can only come from a state of selflessness, and this selfless state is rooted in love. Without love, performing selfless seva becomes impossible.
A disciple with sincerity and disciplined seva creates a bond that grows stronger over time, evolving into a profound connection that transcends the limitations of individuality. As this connection deepens, the disciple begins to dissolve and surrender completely to the wisdom. Eventually,
When two become one —a state where the boundaries between them disappear, and pure love remains. This ultimate state of unity is the essence of Bhakti. This state of love is beautifully described through the following lines.
जब से राधा श्याम के नैन हुए हैं चार l
श्याम बने हैं राधिका राधा बन गई श्याम ll
The lines convey that the love between Radha and Krishna is so deepened that it transcends individuality, and they become one. This is the ultimate state of bliss and the action performed in this state is called Bhakti.
Bhakti is a natural expression that arises effortlessly in the presence of love.
Bhakti is a natural expression that arises effortlessly in the presence of love. However, it is seva that holds the power to nurture and cultivate this love, creating the fertile ground for Bhakti to flourish.
The following is a beautiful verse by Sant Kabir Das that perfectly aligns
धीरे-धीरे रे मना, धीरे सब कुछ होय ।
माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ऋतु आए फल होय ।
The essence of the line is that everything unfolds gradually and at the right time. For instance, while watering a plant is essential, no amount of effort from the gardener can hasten the growth of fruit—it will only ripen when its season arrives. Similarly, Bhakti is like that fruit; it cannot be forced or rushed. It blossoms naturally when the time is right. However, seva is indispensable, as it prepares the soil and nurtures the plant, paving the way for Bhakti to flourish.
Bhakti is a natural expression that arises effortlessly in the presence of love. However, it is seva that holds the power to nurture and cultivate this love, creating the fertile ground for bhakti to flourish.
Bhakti is commonly known to have two forms: Sargun Bhakti and Nirgun Bhakti. These will be explained in detail in the next post.