My Guru Teachings

Truth can only be experienced. Words can only inspire, motivate, and guide, to take the next step on your own journey.

Sat-Guru and Shishya (Disciple) : The Foundation of Bliss

This is a continuation of the previous article about the Sat-Guruwho is entirely immersed in truth and guides others to discover and understand it for themselves. The bond between a Sat-Guru and a Shishya (Disciple) is uniquely rooted in the pursuit of experiencing truth. This relationship guides the disciple to experience the truth and bliss. The Sat-Guru and Shishya relationship is, therefore, one of the most profound and transformative connections a person can cultivate in life.

As stated by the Sant Kabir in the following quote:

यह तन विष की बेलरी, गुरु अमृत की खान,

शीश दियो जो गुरु मिले, तो भी सस्ता जान।

This means that, within the body, one is filled with ignorance, leading to endless suffering. Only someone who is experiencing the truth(Sat-Guru) has the power to guide us out of this cycle, making the relationship truly invaluable. There is nothing in the world more precious than this bond—not even life itself as without it, life would not experience the truth and bliss.

“Sat-Guru is a wave helping us to ride the ocean of bliss”

At a certain point, the disciple’s relationship with the Guru (Sat-Guru) becomes so profoundly blissful that the connection itself transcends the original purpose of seeking. For disciple, the bond with the Guru becomes more significant than the quest that first brought them together. As stated by the Sant Kabir in the following quote:

गुरु गोविन्द दोऊ खड़े काको लागूं पायं,

बलिहारी गुरु आपने जिन गोविन्द दियो बताय।  

This line conveys that for one who has realized the truth and now dwells in bliss, for him, the Guru—the guide who led them to this realization—becomes more significant than the truth and bliss itself.

To illustrate, imagine true knowledge as an ocean, with the Guru (Sat-Guru) as the waves moving within it—knowledge in action. Disciples are like surfers who seek the joy of riding the ocean’s waves. Although waves cannot exist independently of the ocean, for the surfer, the wave takes on greater significance than the ocean itself, as it is through the wave that the ocean’s joy is experienced. Similarly, for the disciple, the Guru (Sat-Guru) becomes more significant than Truth itself, as it is through the Guru that the disciple experiences wisdom and connection with the divine.

After having such a special experience, gratitude naturally arises for the guru who facilitates it. This gratitude deepens the connection with the guru, further enhancing the sweetness of the experience. Ultimately, this leads to a continuous cycle of bliss, where each moment of joy feeds into the next, creating a profound and enduring state of bliss.


The Sat-Guru and Shishya relationship is the the most profound and transformative connections a person can cultivate in life.The bond creates a enduring state of bliss.We all have the potential to experience this joy, yet unfortunately, very few truly get to savor it.