My Guru Teachings

Truth can only be experienced. Words can only inspire, motivate, and guide, to take the next step on your own journey.

Sat-Guru: Truth in Action

This article is in a continuation of the previous article about the Guru.The term Sat-Guru originates from Sanskrit, combining “Sat,” meaning “truth,” and “Guru,” referring to one who leads others from the darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom through their actions.

To delve deeper, it is essential to first understand the nature of truth. By definition, truth is that which remains constant and unaffected, regardless of any circumstances. If something changes over time, it cannot be considered the truth. There is a distinction between what is seems real and what is true. Many things around us seems real, but are they true? For example, our body seems real, but is it true, as it constantly changes over time.

Let us take a deep breath and look deeper within; we may realize that while the world around us is in constant motion, the inner essence that observes this changing world remains unchanged. Though this essence perceives through our body and experiences various emotions, it itself remains constant and unaltered.

As mentioned in the Guru’s article, one finds a Guru based on their own aspiration and sincerity toward the journey. Those who aspire to discover the truth embark on a journey that eventually leads them to a guide often referred to as a Sat-Guru. A Sat-Guru is entirely immersed in this truth and guides others to discover and understand it for themselves.

A Sat-Guru is entirely immersed in truth, guiding us to experience it.

Following is the beautiful line describing Sat-Guru

सतगुरु नाम जहाज है, जो चढ़े सो उतरे पार |
जो श्रद्धा कर सेंवदे, गुर पार उतारणहार’ ||

The lines mean Sat-Guru is a medium that has access to the truth and helps other people on the path to realizing the truth; a genuine disciple with sincerity and service will eventually get access to it.

The essence here is that a Sat-Guru serves as a guide, one who has access to truth and aids others on their path to realizing it. Disciples who approach the journey with genuine sincerity in their service to the Sat-Guru will, in time, gain access to this truth. Like any journey, the most important factor is a sincere commitment to the quest. As long as one remains sincere to their path, they will find their way, even if they face misdirection or obstacles. Ultimately, sincerity will guide them back on course.
Without awareness of this truth, one may not recognize a true guide (Sat-Guru) who has access to it. Therefore, instead of actively seeking a Sat-Guru, one should maintain sincerity in their journey based on whatever guidance possible.

Continuous self-introspection throughout the journey is essential to maintain sincerity. Through self-introspection, one gains clarity about the authenticity of the path. The introspective process strengthens one’s motivation for the journey and guides one toward the right direction.Lacking a genuine desire for the quest to experience truth or absence of continuous self-introspection often leads to encounters with misleading influences.


One who possess the inspiration to experience the truth with sincerity, and commitment to self-introspection will ultimately find a Sat-Guru in the path.